本次大会由呼吸疾病国家重点实验室主办,深圳市人民医院协办。届时,将有来自欧洲、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国际和国内的 20 余位知名专家为参会代表奉献咳嗽领域最新研究专题报告,内容将包括空气污染与咳嗽,慢性咳嗽治疗的新靶点,难治性咳嗽的治疗,嗜酸细胞炎症的检测,哮喘、慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)、间质性肺炎与咳嗽,咳嗽中药的有效组分及机制等。
1.会议语言: 英语(中文同声传译),双语幻灯
3. 协办单位:
4. 学术委员会:
钟南山 院士 中国广州医科大学教授,呼吸疾病国家重点实验室主任,呼吸疾病国家临床医学研究中心主任
KianFan Chung 教授 英国帝国理工学院教授
Peter Dicpinigaitis 教授 美国阿尔伯特. 爱因斯坦医学院教授
赖克方 教授 中国广州医科大学教授
7 月 30 日前注册费用:1200 元/人
9 月 30 日前注册费用:1600 元/人
现场注册费用:2000 元/人
在读学生注册 费用:800 元/人
1、征文范围: 与亚急性和慢性咳嗽领域相关的流行病学,临床诊治,发病机制,药物治疗等临床及基础研究。
(2)提交不超过 400words 英文摘要一份和 800 字以内中文摘要一份(doc 或 docx 格式),需按照目的,方法,结果 ,结论四部分撰写。请勿写成过于简短的内容提要形式。
4、投稿截止日期: 2016 年 9 月 30 日。
地址:广东省广州市沿江路 151 号 邮编:510120
电话: 020 83062879, 83062886
传真:020 83062729
2016/11/10 | Thursday | |
09:00-20:00 | Registration 大会注册 | |
2016/11/11 | Friday | |
08:30-08:40 | Welcome and Meeting Introduction 会议致辞 | Nanshan Zhong |
SESSION 1 | New targets for chronic cough 慢性咳嗽治疗的新策略 | Chair:Kianfan Chung, Nanshan Zhong, Tieying Sun |
08:40-09:05 | Can TRPA1/TRPV1/TRPV4 antagonists be developed as new antitussives? TRPA1/TRPV1/TRPV4拮抗剂——新一代止咳药? | Luyuan Lee University of Kentucky,USA |
09:05-09:30 | P2X3 receptor antagonist (AF-219) in refractory chronic cough P2X3 受体拮抗剂 (AF-219)在治疗难治性咳嗽中的应用 | Lorcan McGarvey Queen's University Belfast,UK |
09:30-09:55 | Endogenous central suppressive mechanisms regulating cough as potential targets for novel antitussive therapies 咳嗽调节的内源性中枢抑制机制——止咳治疗新途径 | Stuart Mazzone University of Queensland, Australia |
09:55-10:20 | NMDA and GABA receptors as potential targets in cough hypersensitivity syndrome NMDA受体和GABA受体: 咳嗽高敏综合征的潜在靶点 | Kianfan Chung Imperial College London, UK |
10:20-10:35 | Tea Break | |
SESSION 2 | Air pollution and chronic cough 空气污染与慢性咳嗽 | Chair: Kefang Lai, Lorcan Mcgarvey, Chen Wang |
10:35-11:00 | Airway inflammation and cough hypersensitivity induced by air pollution 空气污染引起的气道炎症和咳嗽高敏 | Nanshan Zhong 钟南山 Guangzhou Medical University, China |
11:00-11:25 | The effects of ambient air pollution on respiratory symptoms 环境空气污染对呼吸道症状的影响 | Yang Gao 高杨 Hong Kong Baptist University, HONG KONG |
11:25-11:50 | The Effects of PM2.5 on Bronchial Epitherial Cells 香烟烟雾、生物燃料污染物与咳嗽 | (待定) |
12:15-13:30 | Lunch 午餐 | |
SESSION 3 | Virus, common cold and postinfectious cough 病毒,感冒与感染后咳嗽 | Peter Dicpinigaitis, Stuart Mazzone,, Rongchang Chen |
14:00-14:25 | Prevalence and duration of cough due to the common cold 感冒后咳嗽的患病率与病程 | Ruchong Chen Guangzhou Medical University, China |
14:25-14:50 | Sensory neuroplasticity in airway disease 气道感觉神经可塑性与呼吸道疾病的关系 | David B. Jacoby Oregon Health and Science University, USA |
14:50-15:15 | The role of respiratory viruses in persistent cough 呼吸道病毒在顽固性咳嗽中扮演的角色 | Lorcan McGarvey Queen's University Belfast,UK |
SESSION 4 | Pro/Con Debate:PPI is effective to GERC? 辩论:PPI治疗胃食管反流性咳嗽是否有效? | Alyn Morice, Burring Surrinder, Jiangtao Lin |
15:15-15:35 | Pro 正方 | Zhongmin Qiu 邱忠民 Tongji University School of Medicine, China |
15:35-15:55 | Con 反方 | Woojung Song Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea |
15:55-16:05 | Q & A 问答环节 | All Session Presenters |
16:05-16:20 | Tea Break 茶歇 | |
SESSION 5 | Oral presentation 口头发言 | Fan Chung, Kefang Lai |
16:20-17:50 | 9 speaker, Each speaker for 10 minutes | |
18:15-20:00 | Dinner 晚餐 | |
2016-11-12 | Saturday | |
SESSION 6 | Cough hypersensitivity Syndrome 咳嗽高敏综合征 | Zhongmin Qiu, Luyuan Lee,Chen Qiu |
08:30-08:55 | LPR, E–OR, or Airway Reflux: same disease, different understanding? 咽喉反流,食管外反流或气道反流:同一疾病,不同视角? | Alyn Morice University of Hull, UK |
08:55-09:20 | Incidence of Arnold's nerve reflex in patients with chronic cough: Relevance to Cough Hypersensitivity Syndrome 慢性咳嗽患者Arnold's 神经反射与咳嗽高敏综合征的关系 | Peter Dicpinigaitis Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA |
09:20-09:45 | Neuromodulators: gabapentin, pregabalin and amitriptyline 神经调节剂的概况: 加巴喷丁,普瑞巴林和阿米替林 | Surinder Birring King's College London, UK |
09:45-10:00 | Tea Break 茶歇 | |
SESSION 7 | Eosinophilic inflammation and cough 嗜酸粒细胞炎症和咳嗽 | Chris Brightling,Huahao Shen, Ping Chen |
10:00-10:25 | The mechanism and consequences of eosinophilic airway inflammation in cough 嗜酸粒细胞气道炎症相关咳嗽的发生机制与预后 | Roma Sehmi Department of Medicine, McMaster University, Canada |
10:25-10:50 | Measurement of eosinophilic inflammation in the management of chronic cough 慢性咳嗽的嗜酸粒细胞气道炎症评价手段 | Kefang Lai 赖克方 Guangzhou Medical University, China |
10:50-11:15 | Clinical and pathological difference between CVA, CPA, classic asthma CVA,CPA和典型哮喘的临床与病理差异 | Akio Niimi Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences,Japan |
11:15-11:40 | New therapy to airway eosinophilia 治疗气道嗜酸性粒细胞增多的新手段 | Chris Brightling University of Leicester, UK |
12:05-13:30 | Lunch 午餐 | |
SESSION 8 | TCM for cough 咳嗽的中医药治疗 | Lorcan McGarvey,Changzhen Wang |
14:00-14:25 | Effects of components from schisandra chinensis, asarum on airway inflammation and cough sensitivity:an insight into status quo 中药五味子、细辛抗气道炎症及咳嗽敏感性的活性组分研究 | Shan Zhong/Xiaodong Liu 钟山/刘晓东 Guangzhou Medical University, China |
14:25-14:50 | Antiussivecomponents of Chinese medicine Alstonia-leaf (灯台叶) 止咳中药及中成药介绍 | Xiaodong Luo 罗晓东 Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Acadamy of Science, China |
14:50-15:15 | Antitussive activity of Chinese medicine Radix Stemonae (百步) 中草药多糖部位的止咳活性研究 | Renwang Jiang 江仁望 Jinan University,China |
15:15-15:30 | Tea Break 茶歇 | |
SESSION 9 | Cough in special conditions 特殊类型咳嗽 | Liam Heaney,Akio Nimmi,Huaping Dai |
15:30-15:55 | Somatic Cough Syndrome or Psychogenic Cough, what is difference? 躯体障碍咳嗽综合征和心理性咳嗽的异同? | Anne Vertigan Speech Pathology Department, John Hunter Hospital, Australia |
15:55-16:20 | Update on management of chronic cough in children 儿童慢性咳嗽治疗的新进展 | Ahmad Kantar Pediatric Asthma and Cough Centre, Istituti Ospedalieri Bergamaschi, University and Research Hospitals, |
16:20-16:45 | Cough and severe asthma 咳嗽与重症哮喘 | Liam Heaney Queen’s University of Belfast,UK |
16:45-17:10 | Measuring cough as an symptom in COPD clinical trials COPD临床试验中咳嗽症状的评价 | Paul Jones University of London,UK |
17:10-17:35 | Cough and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 咳嗽与特发性肺间质纤维化 | (待定) |
17:35-17:55 | Closing Ceremony and Award Ceremony 闭幕式及颁奖典礼 |