
作者:   2014-03-07

HOSCON Asia2014亚洲医院建设新格局高峰论坛-中国站2014 Asia Hospital Construction Summit





We are proud to present The HOSCON China-2014 Asia Hospital Construction Summit. Our aim with this event is, as it is with all our hospital conferences, HOSCON Asia, to provide local and international businesses with a platform which gives them solid contacts, uncovers the political complexities of the area and provides insight into opportunities for development in this rich potentially rewarding region of the world.  


继“HOSCON Asia亚洲医院建设新格局高峰论”成功在新加坡,南京,上海举办之后,“2014亚洲医院建设新格局高峰论坛-中国站HOSCON Asia 2014”,再次移师北京,于2014年3月28~29日隆重召开。此次论坛得到了民建中央人口医药卫生委员会、中国女医师协会医院建设管理专家委员会、北京市医院建筑协会、北京建筑大学、北京建工建筑设计研究院、Spire Coris史派柯的大力支持。与会嘉宾包括卫生、建设主管部门及协会领导,专家学者,我国大型公立医院、外资医院、合资医院、民营医院的院长、副院长、基建、筹备办、设备科、信息科领导,以及美国、欧洲、香港、台湾等国家及地区的医院建设发展同仁,国际一流医院规划设计机构代表等近300位与会嘉宾。


Under the influence of Healthcare Reform, China’s hospital industry has experienced rapid development in recent years thanks to continuous government investment and the growing requirement from the resident. China issued Guidelines on the Pilot Reform of Public Hospitals to encourage the investment of social capital within the medical industry. This incentive and investment policy has contributed multi- dimensionally to the Chinese hospital industry, encouraging the development and growth of a seemingly limitless industry.With this background, in cooperation with many domestic and international enterprises and guided by our Association, Spire Coris launches the “2014 China Hospital Construction Summit”.


开放务实的圆桌会议将扩大您的交流机会/ Maximize your opportunity to network

Global Summit/国际峰会

Problem Solving  /务实与问题解决

2 Full Days Networking/ 2整天充分交流

40+ Global Speakers/ 40多位国际发言嘉宾

5 +Panel Discussion/ 5场圆桌对话

4 times Coffee Chat / 4次茶歇交流

2 Luncheon /2场星级自助午宴

1 Ceremony Dinner / 轻松的晚宴交流

Meet your old & new friends/结识新老朋友

如何平衡不同医疗机构的优势,建造更好的医院、优化社会医疗资源,真正为百姓提供专业、便捷医疗卫生服务,是本次中国医院建设新格局高峰论坛(HOSCON China 2014)高峰论坛的宗旨和目标。作为本次峰会的参与者之一,我们诚挚地欢迎您参加“2014年亚洲医院建设新格局高峰论坛-中国站”,加强彼此交流沟通,共同推动医院建设行业的发展。本次高峰论坛将立足于亚洲尤其是中国医院领域的整体发展现状和政策环境,为国内外医院建设者提供了一个与业内同仁及相关主管部门沟通交流的国际化平台,积极就国际及区域医院建设发展的经验、现状及趋势等话题进行深入的探讨。不同于业内传统研讨会议,本次高峰论坛历时两天,所有来宾落座圆桌以进行开放务实的交流,论坛内容丰富而紧凑,共邀请到40多位业内专家进行主题演讲5场开放、务实、充满互动,极具建设性的圆桌对话


This summit will provide an effective platform on which the participants will familiarize themselves with the latest Chinese policies and regulations concerning the hospital industry. Attendees will gain a better understanding of the Chinese healthcare market, thus optimizing their development strategies in China. Speakers from China’s central government, hospitals, designers and world leading companies will share their valued experiences and knowledgeable outlook for Asia Hospital construction building future, especially China.




2014 HOSCON China-Asia Hospital Construction Summit

Email: registration.china@hosconasia.com

编辑: 孙维   




