2014中国(南京)国际生物医药产业博览会 部分海外企业预览

作者:   2014-04-14
  • 会议时间: 2014-05-14至 2014-05-16
  • 会议地点: 南京市
  • 电话:025-83418350
  • 传真:025-83518322-818
  • 联系人:杜鹃
  • Email: info@biotechchina-nj.com
  • 联系地址:南京市长江路188号德基大厦12楼B座
  • 会议网址:http://www.biotechchina-nj.com/


2014“中国(南京)国际生物医药产业博览会”将于5月14-16日在南京国际博览中心举行 。目前展会各项筹备工作进展良好,参展企业217家,其中包括来自美国、加拿大、瑞士、德国、法国、澳大利亚等13个国家和地区的海外参展企业36家。


  • 生物技术或者生物制药
  • 医疗诊断
  • 基因组学和生物信息学
  • 再生性药物、细胞疗法



ANTEO DIAGNOSTICS 是一家用纳米技术去改良固体表面(纳米粒,纳米磁珠,胶体金,滴定孔板等等)公司。公司拥有多项世界专利的化学金属聚合物技术,被称为"Mix&Go"。Mix&Go的先进科技能快速把Mix&Go优良金属聚合物结合到固体表面并且快速有效的结合蛋白质或核酸,使它应用于生物科技,医疗诊断和医药等行业。这种方法能使分析和生产更简便并且降低成本。Mix&Go先进的科学技术能给生物科技带来新的活力。








Meissner服务于制药、生物技术、微电子技术、超纯化学品、食品、饮料及有关行业。 从标准的和高容量的囊式过滤器及小流量组件,到滤芯、不锈钢过滤器外壳和完整性测试仪,Meissner 的服务覆盖了微滤应用的全部需求。


全自动化的生产使Meissner过滤器在任何时候都具有最均匀的、一致的结构和性能。Meissner产品的组装、测试和包装都是在符合Class 7标准的洁净工作室里完成。

Meissner技术服务机构(MTS)对Meissner的所有产品及其工业应用提供全面的技术支持。 MTS验证服务为制药行业客户提供及时、全面的过滤器验证服务。Meissner丰富的行业经验,更容易验证在制药和生物技术应用的Meissner过滤器。MTS提供了全套完整的验证服务,以备FDA或其他相关的监管机构进行审查。

世基生醫創立於2005年,獨家取得中央研究院全球專屬授權華法林(Warfarin)和其他藥物(如carbamazepine, Allopurinol 等)不良副作用的相關專利,進一步開發成檢測產品或診斷工具,並陸續獲得全球各國(包括中國、歐 、美、紐澳、印度、日本、東南亞等)完整技術專利證明。

华联生物科技(Phalanx Biotech Group)创立于2002年,总部位于新竹科学园区,并于美国旧金山湾区及中国昆山设立子公司;华联为提供医疗器材制造商质量系统上的保证与国际认证的质量管理系统(QMS)标准,于2012年取得ISO 13485 / ISO 9001双认证,提供完整高质量的产品与服务。 

Life Sciences Advanced Technologies continues to build on the well-established biochemical product line we have manufactured and distributed since 1962. For almost fifty years, Life Sciences has been the world’s leading commercial producer of native AMV reverse transcriptase. Life Sciences has evolved into Life Sciences Advanced Technologies by building on its existing product line.

Life Sciences Advanced Technologies is committed to providing quality enzymes and biochemical products with an emphasis on service, value and customer satisfaction. We pride ourselves in striving to respond to your scientific needs with a sense of urgency and timeliness. Life Sciences has expanded our product line to meet the demands of the medical, scientific and research communities.

We are continuously collaborating with major pharmaceutical, biotechnology and research organizations to develop products that are impacting the global market. More specifically we have worked with companies, institutions, and individual research scientists to develop and improve products in PCR, enzyme modification, molecular diagnostic testing, immunology, and protein stability. Building on fifty years of scientific research experience, LSAT provides viable scientific knowledge to our clients and partners around the world.

BioAlps Association

BioAlps Association is the Life Sciences cluster from Western Switzerland. It is supported by the Cantons of Bern, Fribourg, Vaud, Neuchâtel, Geneva, Valais, Jura and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs.

With a mission of promoting the excellence and performance in MedTech and BioTech developments in this cluster at all levels: regionally, nationally and in the international arena. BioAlps is the entry point to a wealth of contacts, knowhow, knowledge and provides both personal and institutional support.

BioAlps organises events and co organises conventions, participates in a number of international events and supports conferences promoting the cluster and offering its members a wealth of networking opportunities.

BioAlps is the world most diversified life science cluster and one of the most dynamic. It comprises 780 companies, 20 academic institutions, 500 public and private laboratories, scientific parks, incubators bodies active in the life science representing 20'000 people and 5000 researchers.

BioAlps hosts during BIOTECH_2014 companies active in
     -  Therapeutics Products: oncology, immunology, infectious diseases,
                        rheumatology and ophthalmology
     -  Regenerative medicine: Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma
     -  3D Bio Printing and Biomaterials
     -  Bio-Dashboard Web Services
             -  Bioactive surface coating and medical parts micro engraving device
             -  Swiss-China Innovation, Research, Technology and Education  networking


GREATER GENEVA BERNE area (GGBa) is an Economic Development Agency complementary to BioAlps ‘s mission  offering tailored-made solutions to the Biotech and Medtech industries wishing to develop activities in Western Switzerland

provides  expert insight into the region’s different cultural and economic strengths and all the information needed by an  enterprise to be a success in Switzerland.

offers  time-saving support to international companies

brings company ideas to the market by finding industrial partners and helping negotiation with them

provide free, tailor-made assistance in all stages of the process, from evaluating suitable locations to finalizing

identifies suitable premises close to potential industrial/technological partners in Biotech and Medtech sectors

provides investment opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and start-up businesses

establishes networking opportunities for biotech and medtech industries facilitating their integration


Bio Dashboard is the place to get information, exchange, work, and promote online worldwide in Life Sciences for researchers, executives, business developers, marketers, media, students, etc.

Beyond a social network, Biowebspin offers unique adapted tools to Pharma, Biotech, and Medtech professionals in order to optimize and simplify their daily tasks at work.

Engagement: Biowebspin helps associations, guilds, valorization organizations, and professionals or future professionals around the world who have the will to promote Biosciences and help its actors. Special offers or partnerships would be offered.



Debiopharm International SA searches, evaluates and in-licenses promising drug candidates for development. Towards the end of the development process, the products are licensed out to pharmaceutical companies for world-wide marketing and sales.

The Company has successfully developed five products. These products include:

    Eloxatin® for the treatment of colorectal cancer,
    Decapeptyl®/Trelstar®/Pamorelin®/1-month, 3-month and 6-month formulations for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer, endometriosis, precocious puberty, in vitro fertilisation programmes, uterine fibroids, and
    Moapar®/Salvacyl® for the treatment of severe sexual deviations.

Lyncée Tec

In life science applications, DHM-T1000 provides precise Quantitative Phase Measurements (QPM) of living cell cultures up to confluence, without the use of any contrast agent and with very low illumination power. It is very sensitive to small morphology modifications, and to intra-cellular concentration changes. The DHM-T1000 is thus an ideal instrument for high-throughput screening, time lapse measurements and time monitoring. Used in conjunction with the optional fluorescence module, it enables simultaneous DHM and fluorescence measurements.


Bionano Gold coated glass slides: Gold thin films grown on microscope glass slides with Titanium adhesion layer.

Au(111) thin films on mica: Gold (111) epitaxial thin films grown on freshly cleaved mica substrates

R&D within PHASIS: PHASIS is involved in several applied research projects with both academic and industrial partners. PHASIS is interested in the use of new materials to bring new insights in the field of gas sensors. Moreover, the flexibility of PHASIS' equipment allows the production of thin films with tailored properties.


3D Bio-Printers:
3D cellular constructs on-demand Bottom-up fabrication of scaffolds-cell-constructs requires scaffold materials that can be controlled with regards to their microarchitecture but also chemical and physical properties. A Bio-printer with high resolution permits the spatial control of scaffold materials and also enables the deposition of cells in target areas.

Usage of smart biomaterials such as cellular components shows high promises to enter a new dimension to address actual unmet medical needs

Universal Matrix for 3D Tissue Printing. The BioInkTM is a semi-synthetic hydrogel supporting cell growth of different cell types (fibroblasts, keratinocytes, etc.) by providing cell adhesion sites and mimicking the natural extracellular matrix. The BioInkTM is provided as a ready-to-use device to print 3D tissues. Critical parameters such as matrix stiffness, cell adhesion can be tailored. Exclusively designed for BioFactory® and 3DDiscovery® tissue printers.

Fluid dispenser:
The ALL-IN-ONE Drug discovery liquid handling device. The 3DDiscovery® instrument is a multi-functional liquid handling device responding to today's requirements of 2D/3D Drug Discovery/Toxicology screening applications. The 3DDiscovery® instrument is both a powerful FLUID DISPENSER addressing today's industrial needs, as well as a three-dimensional BIOPRINTER responding to the upcoming challenges facing the pharmaceutical, biotech and clinical research organizations.

Regen Lab

Application of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma has been evaluated in various medical disciplines including orthopaedics, sports medicine, wound healing, neurosurgery, dentistry, ophthalmology as well as cosmetic, plastic, maxillofacial and cardiothoracic surgery.

The technology is processing the patient´s own blood, fat or bone marrow to use the concentrated cells.

Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma also contains fibrin, fibronectin and vitronectin that act as cell adhesion molecules for osteoconduction and as a matrix for bone, connective tissue and epithelial migration 4.

The Regen Extracell BMC technology and its products aim is to dramatically enhance tissue regeneration toward a quicker and more successful patient’s recovery. At the edge of the latest developments of the cellular therapy research, the Regen Extracell contribution in the world of orthopaedics wishes to be safe and realistic

Swissnex - China

Swissnex is a network with nodes in the world's most innovative hubs, where the future is being shaped. We take an active role in strengthening Switzerland's leadership as a world-class location for science, education and innovation. Our core value lies in our ability to:

    Strengthen Switzerland's profile as a nation of leading-edge research, quality, innovation and openness

    Connect scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, policy-makers and thought leaders with inspiring peers and new ideas on either side of the globe

    Facilitate academic programs, global innovation strategies, and knowledge exchange

    Create and present transdisciplinary projects in imaginative ways

    Network with relevant contacts at universities, research institutions, and companies to maintain a powerful web of worldwide knowledge

    Support internationalization efforts of Swiss academic institutions

    Share innovative achievements and emerging trends in the host country and in Switzerland

    Inform on developments in science, technology, education and innovation process

Participate in our communities and interact with Swiss and local partners to bring added value

TRB Chemedica

The company markets a range of ethical pharmaceuticals and medical devices in more than 40 countries.  They have a subsidiary in Hong Kong and are committed to growth in the international arena

Development of its own products in niche therapeutic areas (rheumatology, ophthalmology and neurology):
    - Diacerein: the first and only oral IL-1 inhibitor for use in the treatment of osteoarthritis,
    - Hyaluronic Acid: for intra-articular administration in the treatment of osteoarthritis,
    - Vislube and Vismed lines: for topical ocular use as lubricants in the treatment of sensations of ocular dryness,
    - Visiol: for intra-ocular use during ocular surgery.
    - Drug for the treatment of Parkinson disease.

Springer and Adis products

Springer is a leading global publisher and publishes around 2000 journals and more than 4000 new books yearly. The Adis journals and newsletters and the three Adis databases are part of the Springer collection: Adis R&D Insight, Adis Clinical Trials Insight and Pharmacovigilance Insight.

With Springer for Research and Development Content Solutions, companies of all sizes can purchase and deliver Springer products tailored for their employee’s specific needs. Customizable purchase models and flexible pricing enable companies to select only the content that they require.

For instant access, reference materials, proven fixes and best practices, trusted, targeted information: rd.springer.com









编辑: 孙维   




