北京站地址: 海淀区学院路38号北京大学医学部逸夫楼学术报告厅
活动时间:1月19-20日 9:30-16:30
· 第一时刻了解世界数字医疗前沿资讯,亲身体验高端医疗技术产品
· 通过与专家互动,了解英国如何应用信息化医疗技术解决国民重大健康问题
· 与世界数字医疗领航企业直面对话 寻求国际合作伙伴和合作契机
Organized by Healthcare UK, UKTI, IHECC, Healthcare is GREAT – UK Digital Health Demonstration Centre will bring 10 mission institutions to Beijing , covering health software, health and social care data services,
big data processing, dementia solution, clinical decision support and mobile health solutions etc. The digital health demonstration centre aims to share UK strengths and experience in developing digital health system and to exchange quality resources and case studies that the UK institutions hold in these fields, while providing a platform to discuss potential cooperation between the UK and China. Join us for the event, and you will get the unique opportunity to: Experience the latest digital health technologies and services Gain insight into the world leading technologies in solving health challenges by interacting with the field’s experts Have face-to-face dialogues with the world’s leading digital healthcare companies. Explore business opportunities both in China and globally Identify potential UK business partners