
作者:   2010-02-05
  • 会议时间: 2010-06-11至 2010-06-16
  • 会议地点: 国外
  • 电话:+ 61 2 9265 0890
  • 传真:+61 2 9265 0880
  • 联系人:会务组
  • Email: icap2010@meetingplanners.com.a
  • 联系地址:
  • 会议网址:

It is a pleasure to be writing this welcome inviting you to attend the 2010 Congress of the International Association of Applied Psychology (ICAP) to be hosted in Melbourne. Since this will be the first IAAP Congress to be held in the Southern Hemisphere and, naturally, the first in the Oceanic Region, this is a golden opportunity to participate in this historic event which has the potential of moving us one more step further towards developing a picture of applied psychology that is more global than international. This will be the 27th ICAP Congress in a line of conventions dating back to 1920. In keeping with such a proud tradition the Congress will feature eminent keynote speakers and invited symposia organizers who are at the cutting edge of discovery in their fields, a robust Scientific Program which will encompass the breadth and depth of applied psychology globally, and an extensive range of workshops to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and skill as widely as practicable. Its potential to extend horizons, develop networks, and be an impetus for the advancement of our field is practically limitless.

In addition, there are several distinctive aspects of the 2010 Congress which will make it especially attractive and appealing. For example, Australia is a country of choice as far as the location of the Congress is concerned. It is a safe place to visit, its people are known for their openness and friendliness, its land is characterised not only by natural beauty but also a wide variety of animals and plants that are found nowhere else in the world, and its cities are vibrant. This is especially true of Melbourne which is renowned for its energy, its commitment to a wide range of cultural and sporting activities and culinary delights, and above all its multiculturalism. I truly hope this whets your appetite to attend and bring your family for this once in a lifetime chance to join with us in staging a memorable scientific event that will deepen knowledge and understanding as well as develop professional contact and opportunity in a way and to a degree that would otherwise be simply impossible.





