2011年上海中美 急诊与创伤 医学论坛

作者:   2011-03-24
  • 会议时间: 2011-04-12至 2011-04-13
  • 会议地点: 上海
  • 电话:13818037669
  • 传真:
  • 联系人:孙贵新
  • Email: sunguixin@sina.com
  • 联系地址:上海市浦东新区即墨路150号
  • 会议网址:


2011年上海中美 急诊与创伤 医学论坛
2011 Sino-U.S. Shanghai Medical Symposium
Trauma and Emergency Medicine
(1). 创伤的最初评估和处理Acute Trauma Care --- Initial Assessment and Management. 大卫博伦医师(David P Bahner, MD, RDS)
(2). 多发性创伤的评估与处理Evaluation and Management of Multiple Trauma. 丹尼尔易弗蒙医师(Daniel Eiferman MD, FACS);
(3). 创伤治疗的进展: 多发性创伤处理的原则和优先考虑的问题Principles and Priorities for the Management of Victims with Multiple Injuries -- ACUTE TRAUMA CARE PRIORITIES OF MANAGEMENT格兰特斯图尔特医师(Grant Stewart, MD, MSc, FRCSC, FACS, FRCS);
(4). 暴力创伤——现代创伤治疗危重病人的进展和困难VIOLENT TRAUMA - THE HUMAN EXPLOSION: Advances and Difficulties in Surgical Care of Critically Injured Victims of Modern Trauma格兰特斯图尔特医师(Grant Stewart, MD, MSc, FRCSC, FACS, FRCS);
(5). 损伤控制性手术(DCS): 我需要知道什么, 损害控制手术的目的Damage Control Surgery (DCS): why, what we need to know, and what goals should we aim for post damage control surgery. 戴维林赛医师(David E. Lindsey, MD, FACS);
(6). 创伤中心及系统的作用- 美国的经验The Role of Trauma Centers & Systems: The US experience. 丹尼尔易弗蒙医师(Daniel Eiferman MD, FACS);
(7). 危重病学新技术更新和电子重症监护室Update of New Technologies in the Critical Care Setting- The advent of the eICU. 大卫博伦医师(David P Bahner, MD, RDS)
(8). 创伤病人成像技术的新进展Advanced Imaging Techniques for the Critically Ill and Traumatic Patients. 大卫博伦医师(David P Bahner, MD, RDS);
(9). 院前急救Pre-hospital Emergency Care. 王善妮医师(Sunny Wang, MD);
(10). 美国式的创伤中心, 对治疗病人的影响, 资源,治疗类选法等Trauma centers-- what it means, impact on patients, resources, and triage etc.  约翰里奥丹医师(John P. Riordan, MD);
(11). 中国创伤治疗的发展历史和评价Trauma Evaluation in China, and Historical Perspective--- "TRAUMA: AN IMPACT ON HEALTH CARE AND SOCIETY". 格兰特斯图尔特医师(Grant Stewart, MD, MSc, FRCSC, FACS, FRCS);
(12). 美国急诊医生培训系统Education, Fellowships and Maintenance of Board Certification in Emergency Medicine: residency training philosophy and requirements, and ongoing requirements to maintain board certification, fellowship training and certification opportunities available to emergency physicians. 约翰里奥丹医师(John P. Riordan, MD);
(13).中国急诊创伤一体化治疗模式             孙贵新医师(Guixin Sun,  MD)





