世界精神病学协会(World Psychiatric Association, WPA)2013年地区会议 计划于2013年4月10日-13日,在罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特举行。此次大会的主题是“促进欧亚大陆和东南欧洲的精神卫生、初级保健和公共卫生整合”。日前,此次大会的官网已经正式启用,会议论文征收工作也已经开启。有意参加者可向大会官网投稿,摘要收集截止日期:2012年9月10日。
Welcome to the WPA Regional Congress on Facilitating Mental Health, Primary Care & Public Health Integration for Southeast Europe and Eurasia scheduled to take place in Bucharest, Romania, on April 10-13, 2013.
This unprecedented Congress is a sharply focused initiative of the World Psychiatric Association in collaboration with the Romanian Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, the National Society of Family Medicine and the Romanian Public Health and Health Management Association.
The congress has several concrete goals & objectives, as follows:
identify national and regional mental health, primary care & public health challenges
define the benefits of primary care, mental health & public health integration
share evidence of best practices & lessons learned
stimulate educational, research, services, and policy collaborations at national and regional levels and across the life cycle
The Congress will be organized in plenary sessions, key note lectures, professorial lectures, symposia, workshops, free paper presentations, posters and debates. There will also be a designated countries' track, to assist with mental health, primary care and public health integration at the national level.
Regular updates will be posted on this website for your information.
We look forward to welcoming you in Bucharest in April 2013!
- 会议时间: 2013-04-04至 2013-04-13
- 会议地点: 国外
- 电话:15162480012
- 传真:
- 联系人:周先生
- Email:
- 联系地址:罗马尼亚 布加勒斯特
- 会议网址: