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- 请问,为什么BSP只能扩增300-500bp产物
- 请问我想研究两个具有不同的SNP甲基化酶对基因组修饰 ...
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- 很好的学习材料
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- HRM的引物怎么设计啊
- 你好 我只想看一下甲基化水平在各组间有没有差异 做MSP可以 ...
- 收费怎么样?
- 您好,我想要咨询一下,BSP绘制了圆点图后最终的甲基化 ...
- 你好,请问测序reads在不同基因功能元件上的分布为 ...
- diffscoredelta beta 这两个是如何来的,它 ...
- 焦磷酸测序一般一个反应多少钱啊
- 看不懂
- MSP后的pcr,目的条带很暗,而且周围很模糊,什么原 ...
- 如果只是想针对某几个特定基因做甲基化,选择哪种或几种 ...
- 蛮好的,谢谢
- i learned. it is useful. i am going to undert ...
- diffscore怎么计算的
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- 挺好的学习材料!
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- 非常不错!谢谢!
DNA methylation is highly dynamic during mammalian embryogenesis. It is broadly accepted that the paternal genome is actively depleted of 5-methylcytosine at fertilization, followed by passive loss that reaches a minimum at the blastocyst stage. However, this model is based on limited data, and so far no base-resolution maps exist to support and refine it. Here we generate genome-scale DNA methylation maps in mouse gametes and from the zygote through post-implantation. We find that the oocyte already exhibits global hypomethylation, particularly at specific families of long interspersed element 1 and long terminal repeat retroelements, which are disparately methylated between gametes and have lower methylation values in the zygote than in sperm. Surprisingly, the oocyte contributes a unique set of differentially methylated regions (DMRs)-including many CpG island promoters-that are maintained in the early embryo but are lost upon specification and absent from somatic cells. In contrast, sperm-contributed DMRs are largely intergenic and become hypermethylated after the blastocyst stage. Our data provide a genome-scale, base-resolution timeline of DNA methylation in the pre-specified embryo, when this epigenetic modification is most dynamic, before returning to the canonical somatic pattern.
原文:A unique regulatory phase of DNA methylation in the early mammalian embryo. Nature. 2012.
编辑: gaowei2010