热门点评 更多 >>
- 请问,为什么BSP只能扩增300-500bp产物
- 请问我想研究两个具有不同的SNP甲基化酶对基因组修饰 ...
- 无法
- 发放范围
- 很好的学习材料
- 很受用
- MeDIP-Seq能发现有差异的具体哪个基因吗?
- HRM的引物怎么设计啊
- 你好 我只想看一下甲基化水平在各组间有没有差异 做MSP可以 ...
- 收费怎么样?
- 您好,我想要咨询一下,BSP绘制了圆点图后最终的甲基化 ...
- 你好,请问测序reads在不同基因功能元件上的分布为 ...
- diffscoredelta beta 这两个是如何来的,它 ...
- 焦磷酸测序一般一个反应多少钱啊
- 看不懂
- MSP后的pcr,目的条带很暗,而且周围很模糊,什么原 ...
- 如果只是想针对某几个特定基因做甲基化,选择哪种或几种 ...
- 蛮好的,谢谢
- i learned. it is useful. i am going to undert ...
- diffscore怎么计算的
- 谢谢分享!
- 挺好的学习材料!
- 还不错
- 非常不错!谢谢!
Model depicting recruitment of the de novo methylation machinery by unmethylated histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4) tails
The amino-terminal domain of Dnmt3L possesses a cysteine rich domain that interacts with
unmethylated H3K4 tails and this interaction is proposed to recruit or activate Dnmt3a2. The
carboxy-terminal domains of Dnmt3L and Dnmt3a form a tetrameric complex in which two
Dnmt3a proteins interact with each other and are flanked by two Dnmt3L proteins. The
Dnmt3a active sites (red stars) are thought to be separated by approximately one helical turn
and thus could catalyze methylation (filled circles) on opposite DNA strands ~10bps apart.
Once recruited to a specific locus, the Dnmt3L/Dnmt3a tetramer might be able to
oligomerize, which could result in an ~10bp periodic pattern of DNA methylation along the
same DNA strand
编辑: gaowei2010