Current Concept in Primary TKA design
发布日期:2008-11-14 10:07 文章来源:第三届国际COA学术大会
Chul-Won Ha
Department of Orthopedic Surgery,Samsung MedicalCenter Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine ,Seoul,Korea
has been a lot of progress in the understandingof the kinematics of the knee joint during the lastdecade, and consequently the concept of designing theTKA prostheses.
The understanding of the current concept of kneekinematics is an essential part of performing the TKAsurgery properly, and will also help determine which TKAsystem to choose for the individual patients.
Also, there has been a lot of advancement in theunderstanding and performing the TKA surgery, whichresulted in better clinical outcome with the primaryTKA.
In this lecture, the following topics will be discussed
1. Axis of knee flexion
2. Roll-back vs. Medial Pivoting concept
3. Measured resection technique vs. Gap technique
4. Functional ligament balancing in Primary TKA
编辑: blue 作者:Chul-Won Ha