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内参在生物学研究中非常常见。例如RT-PCR或western blot实验中常用表达量稳定的管家基因/蛋白作为评估不同样本之间目标基因或蛋白变化的参考。以western blot为例,如果加药处理前后GAPDH或tublin、actin等基本没有变化,而目标蛋白表达变化明显,则说明“加药”过程中目标蛋白的表达受到影响。内参的引入可以排除上样量不同或样本处理过程中的偏差导致的可能误差···

Human microRNA genes are frequently located at fragile sites and genomic regions involved in cancers

发布日期:2011-09-21 15:54 文章来源:欧易生物
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Calin, GA; Sevignani, C; Dan Dumitru, C; Hyslop, T; Noch, E; Yendamuri, S; Shimizu, M; Rattan, S; Bullrich, F; Negrini, M; Croce, CM Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2004,101(9)2999-3004 引用次数 904


A large number of tiny noncoding RNAs have been cloned and named microRNAs(miRs). Recently, we have reported that miR-15a and miR-16a, located at 13q14, are frequently deleted and/or down-regulated in patients with B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, a disorder characterized by increased survival. To further investigate the possible involvement of miRs in human cancers on a genome-wide basis, we have mapped 186 miRs and compared their location to the location of previous reported nonrandom genetic alterations. Here, we show that miR genes are frequently located at fragile sites, as well as in minimal regions of loss of heterozygosity, minimal regions of amplification (minimal amplicons), or common breakpoint regions. Overall, 98 of 186 (52.5%) of miR genes are in cancer-associated genomic regions or in fragile sites. Moreover, by Northern blotting, we have shown that several miRs located in deleted regions have low levels of expression in cancer samples. These data provide a catalog of miR genes that may have roles in cancer and argue that the full complement of miRs in a genome may be extensively involved in cancers.


编辑: helen
