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内参在生物学研究中非常常见。例如RT-PCR或western blot实验中常用表达量稳定的管家基因/蛋白作为评估不同样本之间目标基因或蛋白变化的参考。以western blot为例,如果加药处理前后GAPDH或tublin、actin等基本没有变化,而目标蛋白表达变化明显,则说明“加药”过程中目标蛋白的表达受到影响。内参的引入可以排除上样量不同或样本处理过程中的偏差导致的可能误差···

RAS is regulated by the let-7 MicroRNA family

发布日期:2011-09-21 15:57 文章来源:欧易生物
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Johnson, SM; Grosshans, H; Shingara, J; Byrom, M; Jarvis, R; Cheng, A; Labourier, E; Reinert, KL; Brown, D; Slack, FJ  Cell 2005,120(5)635-647 引用次数 1039

这篇发表于2005年的Cell杂志的文章报道了重要的miRNA家族——let-7 family负调控Ras基因表达及其机制,let-7家族miRNA水平在肺癌等Ras高表达的肿瘤中显著下调。

【摘要】MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are regulatory RNAs found in multicellular eukaryotes, including humans, where they are implicated in cancer. The let-7 miRNA times seam cell terminal differentiation in C. elegans. Here we show that the let-7 family negatively regulates let-60/RAS. Loss of let-60/RAS suppresses let-7, and the let-60/RAS 3'UTR contains multiple let-7 complementary sites (LCSs), restricting reporter gene expression in a let-7-dependent manner. mir-84, a let-7 family member, is largely absent in vulval precursor cell P6.p at the time that let-60/RAS specifies the 1 degrees vulval fate in that cell, and mir-84 overexpression suppresses the multivulva phenotype of activating let-60/ RAS mutations. The 3'UTRs of the human RAS genes contain multiple LCSs, allowing let-7 to regulate RAS expression. let-7 expression is lower in lung tumors than in normal lung tissue, while RAS protein is significantly higher in lung tumors, providing a possible mechanism for let-7 in cancer.


编辑: helen
