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内参在生物学研究中非常常见。例如RT-PCR或western blot实验中常用表达量稳定的管家基因/蛋白作为评估不同样本之间目标基因或蛋白变化的参考。以western blot为例,如果加药处理前后GAPDH或tublin、actin等基本没有变化,而目标蛋白表达变化明显,则说明“加药”过程中目标蛋白的表达受到影响。内参的引入可以排除上样量不同或样本处理过程中的偏差导致的可能误差···

Combinatorial microRNA target predictions

发布日期:2011-09-21 16:01 文章来源:欧易生物
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Krek, A; Grun, D; Poy, MN; Wolf, R; Rosenberg, L; Epstein, EJ; MacMenamin, P; da Piedade, I; Gunsalus, KC; Stoffel, M; Rajewsky, N  Nature Genet. 2005,37(5)495-500 引用次数 1112

这篇发表于2005年发表于Nature Genetics的文章建立了miRNA靶基因预测的重要生物信息学计算方法PicTar,该法为当前常用的三种miRNA靶基因生物信息学分析方法之首。

【摘要】MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs that recognize and bind to partially complementary sites in the 3' untranslated regions of target genes in animals and, by unknown mechanisms, regulate protein production of the target transcript(1-3). Different combinations of microRNAs are expressed in different cell types and may coordinately regulate cell-specific target genes. Here, we present PicTar, a computational method for identifying common targets of microRNAs. Statistical tests using genome-wide alignments of eight vertebrate genomes, PicTar's ability to specifically recover published microRNA targets, and experimental validation of seven predicted targets suggest that PicTar has an excellent success rate in predicting targets for single microRNAs and for combinations of microRNAs. We find that vertebrate microRNAs target, on average, roughly 200 transcripts each. Furthermore, our results suggest widespread coordinate control executed by microRNAs. In particular, we experimentally validate common regulation of Mtpn by miR-375, miR-124 and let-7b and thus provide evidence for coordinate microRNA control in mammals.


编辑: helen
