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● 真核细胞本身的蛋白,尽量用真核表达,真核的表达环境使蛋白更有可能形成正确的结构,具备糖基化等修饰,更可能具有天然功能。而目前生命科学研究中,研究的模式生物大都为真核生物。

● 在真核细胞表达真核细胞的蛋白,折叠、修饰等方面更接近于天然蛋白,一般内毒素更低。这样试验过程才更接近真实的细胞活动。

● 如果你的运气足够好,发现你的实验结果可以为药物开发提供线索。恭喜你!如果你的实验是用真核表达的重组蛋白完成的,药企肯定会更感兴趣,因为这样的药物候选分子商业化风险更小。


发布日期:2012-02-16 15:35 文章来源:丁香园
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关键词: 丁香园 生物专题 义翘神州 细胞培养 成纤维细胞   点击次数:


材料 :

1. 培养皿、培养瓶、烧瓶、试管,玻璃针等。

2. 眼科剪、眼科镊、手术刀片。

3. 5%CO2孵箱、PH计。

4. 恒温水浴箱。

5. RPMi1640培养基,D-Hank’s缓冲液 、胎牛血清,内皮生长因子(ECGF),青霉素,链霉素,戊巴比妥钠等。


1.取材:4~6w Wistar大鼠,大剂量2%戊巴比妥钠麻醉处死,将处死后的大鼠浸入75%酒精中,放入超净台。在无菌状态下剪开胸腹腔,分离胸主动脉,用2ml注射器从主动脉弓处向胸主动脉注入D-Hank’s液,驱除残血,取主动脉弓至肾动脉一段,两端结扎剪断,放入60℃预热无菌水中2秒。然后置于准备好的RPMi1640培养基(含双抗)中。



4.置于5%CO2孵箱中培养,每隔3天换液,培养时添加15% FBS,5~10μg/ml的内皮细胞生长因子(ECGF)以及100μg/ml的肝素。待细胞90%~95%融合时,0.25胰蛋白酶消化传代。


6.注意事项:将分离出来的主动脉热处理时温度以60℃ 2秒为宜,太低则成纤维细胞多,太高或时间久则内皮细胞迁出减少。



【Goodluck_XD】Simple, fast and efficient mouse endothelial cell isolation with Dynabeads. Isolated cells are pure and free of contaminating fibroblasts


Endothelial cells line the entire vascular system, from the heart to the smallest capillary and control the passage of materials and the transit of leucocytes into and out of the bloodstream. Leucocytes interact with endothelial cells during trafficking, immune responses, inflammatory reactions and haemostasis. A pure population of cells, free from contaminating fibroblasts is required to study endothelial cells. Murine tissue is digested to obtain a single cell suspension. Dynabeads coated with an anti-murine endothelial cell antibody are added directly to the cell suspension and the bead-captured cells are separated with a magnet, Dynal MPC.

1.Endothelial cell isolation from murine tissues

A rapid, reproducible method for the isolation of murine tissue endothelial cells (EC) has been developed by Dong et al (1) using Dynabeads M-450 Sheep anti-Rat IgG coupled with a monoclonal rat anti-mouse CD31 antibody. After releasing the beads with trypsin/EDTA, the released cells were centrifuged and resuspended in growth medium for cell culture and further cloning.

Of 300 cells plated, 29 clones were obtained after two weeks and all clones were positive for CD31. To evaluate the specificity and recovery efficiency of this method, the CD31+ murine endothelial cell line H5V was mixed with a melanoma cell line and/or mixed with L929 fibroblasts. In both cases the percentage of isolated cells was > 98% and the recovery was 65% of the original CD31+ murine endothelial cells.

2.Primary mouse lung endothelial cell isolation from cultures

Hartwell et al (2) used lung tissue as plated cells. Dynabeads M-450 Sheep anti-Rat IgG were coated with rat anti-mouse intercellular adhesion molecule-2 IgG and added to the plated cells. After incubation, the cells were trypsinized to release all cells before isolation with the Dynabeads. Endothelial cells were stained for P-selectin, an adhesion receptor for leucocytes.

3.Pure fibroblast and endothelial cell colony cultures from murine bone marrow

The adherent stromal cells of bone marrow consist of endothelial cells, fibroblasts and macrophages. Endothelial cells and macrophages are phagocytic but fibroblasts are not. These differences can be used to isolate the different cell populations. Fei et al (3) used magnetic separation to obtain cultures of EC and fibroblasts (3). Bone marrow cells were cultured and non-adherent cells poured off. The adherent cells were subsequently used in two ways:

i) To obtain endothelial cells, adherent cells were released from the culture plates with trypsin and Dynabeads M-450 Epoxy were added at the ratio 3 beads to 1 cell and incubated for 2 hours at 37°C. At this temperature, phagocytic cells in culture engulf the beads. The bead-captured cells were collected with the magnet and non-phagocytic fibroblasts discarded. The bead/cell complexes were then cultured in low concentration for 10 days to reduce macrophage growth. Endothelial cell clones (> 20 cells) were then picked and cultured again to confluent growth.

ii) To achieve pure fibroblasts more magnetic beads were used. A 40 bead to 1 cell ratio was added to trypsinized adherent cells to ensure all phagocytic cells (endothelial cells and macrophages) engulf beads. The bead-captured cells were collected and the non-phagocytic fibroblasts were collected and cultured. The fibroblasts were re-passaged to ensure there were no contaminating cells and then grown to confluence.

1.Q. G. Dong, et al., A general strategy for isolation of endothelial cells from murine tissues -Characterization of two endothelial cell lines from the murine lung and subcutaneous sponge implants. Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol. 1997; 17:1599-1604.

2.D. W. Hartwell, et al., Role of P-selectin cytoplasmic domain in granular targeting in vivo and in early inflammatory responses. Journal of Cell Biology 1998; 143 4:1129-1141.

3.R-G. Fei, et al., A method to establish pure fibroblast and endothelial cell colony cultures from murine bone marrow. Exp.Hematol. 1990, 18:953-957.

【zhaoqingshan】Goodluck_XD 斑竹的解决方案可能比较费银子。






【zhaoqingshan】应该是不可以的,我试过,换低浓度的胰酶也不可以的。内皮和成纤维被消化下来的时间差不多。用ECGF 20ug/ml也不是很贵的,我倒觉得胎牛太贵了。因为我以前养脑微血管内皮用ECGF 150ug/ml。



1、取材:取新生4天SD大鼠,颈动脉放血,无菌操作取出 脑组织,切除脑干和海马,解剖显微镜下仔细剔除脑膜和血管等结 缔组织。

2、机械分散:取大脑皮质转移至试管中,并将其快速剪成 1mm3 左右小块,加适量培养液,用吸管轻轻吹打,使细胞分散,制成细 胞悬液,再经74 um网筛过滤,取滤液,离心,1500r/min, Smin,重悬细胞,进行细胞计数。

3、细胞计数:台盼蓝:细胞悬液=1: 9染色,在显微镜下计数。

4、接种与培养:调整细胞密度,以1 X 105/cm2的密度接种于 预先涂有多聚赖氨酸(poly-L-lysine, PLL)的培养瓶中,于培养 箱中孵育30min,翻转瓶并吸出细胞悬液再接种于培养瓶中,以除去成纤维细胞。370C,5% CO培养,每3天换液一次,培养10天。倒置相差显微镜下观察细胞形态细胞,见细胞分为两层:层是 TIA,上层是0-2A祖细胞。


【lvranbo1010】 人胚嗅鞘细胞的原代培养

将胚胎头部剪下,浸泡在75%的酒精内3分钟,大量D-Hanks平衡盐溶液冲洗。手术显微镜下,超净台内,迅速完整取出两侧嗅球,置于4℃的D-Hanks平衡盐溶液中,小心除去软脑膜,血管及与其相连的组织。然后用显微器械剪取嗅球最外两层(嗅神经层和小球层,ONGL),再用D-Hanks平衡盐溶液洗3遍。置于含3-4ml DMEM/F12培养基的35mm2培养皿内,将剪取的ONGL组织块用显微器械小心撕开,再用火焰抛光后的移液管小心反复吹打至尽可能小(勿使培养基产生过多的气泡),放入CO2培养箱(5%CO2,37℃)中培养。

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