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Prof. Xuetao Cao
President of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS)
Dr. Xuetao Cao, born in 1964, received his Ph.D. from Second Military Medical University (Shanghai, China) in 1990. He became Professor in Immunology in 1992 at the Second Military Medical University and became Professor and Director of Institute of Immunology at Zhejiang University Scholl of Medicine in 2000. He was elected as member of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2005. He is the President of Chinese Society for Immunology (2006.11-), Chief Scientist of 973 National Program of Immunology in China (2001.9-2011.9), and Director of National Key Laboratory of Medical Immunology in China (2006.5-). He is the editorial board member of J Biol Chem, J Immunol, Eur J Immunol, Gene Therapy, Cancer Science, Cancer Immunol Immunother, Mol Immunol, Int Immunol, Cell Research etc.
His major interests are immunobiology of APCs (dendritic cells, macrophages), TLR signaling and immune regulation, cancer immunotherapy and gene therapy. He identified a new regulatory dendritic cell (DC) subset and found that splenic stroma could drive mature DC to differentiate into regulatory DC. He proposed several new approaches for DC-based immunotherapy and gene therapy of cancer, and now Phase II clinical trail of DC vaccine approved by China FDA is in progress for the treatment of advanced colon cancer patients. His group has independently identified more than 100 novel genes from human DC and functionally characterized some of them, among which 22 molecules have been approved by HUGO nomenclature. In recent years he is investigating the mechanisms for immune recognition and TLR signaling. As corresponding author, he published 182 original papers in peer-reviewed, SCI-cited journals including Nat Immunol, Immunity, Blood, J Biol Chem, J Immunol, Cancer Res, etc.
编辑: xy 作者:丁香园通讯员