你知道吗 详细 >>
● 真核细胞本身的蛋白,尽量用真核表达,真核的表达环境使蛋白更有可能形成正确的结构,具备糖基化等修饰,更可能具有天然功能。而目前生命科学研究中,研究的模式生物大都为真核生物。
● 在真核细胞表达真核细胞的蛋白,折叠、修饰等方面更接近于天然蛋白,一般内毒素更低。这样试验过程才更接近真实的细胞活动。
● 如果你的运气足够好,发现你的实验结果可以为药物开发提供线索。恭喜你!如果你的实验是用真核表达的重组蛋白完成的,药企肯定会更感兴趣,因为这样的药物候选分子商业化风险更小。
热门点评 更多 >>
- “用火焰抛光的巴斯德滴管吹打数次”,这个巴斯德滴管怎么 ...
- 我以前用的细胞间很简陋,没有缓冲间,不换实验服,穿个鞋 ...
- 有没有养兔子椎间盘髓核细胞的,我的细胞里面也是混有大 ...
- 丁二铵全称1,4,丁二胺盐酸盐
- 美国scinus品牌的微载体细胞培养扩增系统,主要用 ...
- 不错很好,学习了,谢谢
- 不错,学习了!
- 问题是国内的空气环境没法比啊,国外在普通的试验室里培 ...
- 国内有什么试剂吗?去除支原体污染的?
- 我也考虑到只是在外焰上来回过两下却是不能达到高温灭菌 ...
- 很好
- 学习!
- 好文!
- http://www.bitebo.com/a/gb2312 ...
- 无血清造血细胞培养基北京毕特博生物技术有限责任公司 ht ...
- 现货促销 : 无血清造血细胞培养基北京毕特博生物技术有限责任 ...
- 请问血清中含不含IL-1,IL-6之类的炎症因子,如果要 ...
- 请问一般血清在4度保存多长时间
- 谢谢楼主
- 这个好,省着有些人搞技术垄断!支持此类会议多搞一些
- 我想请教一下各位怎么防治这种问题呢
- 真的很好,谢谢!
- 我是个新手,想问问新复苏的hep2细胞不贴壁怎么办?已 ...
- 我养细胞老是污染,继续努力
Protocol:Detection of Mycoplasma by Culture
1. Inoculate 2 agar plates with 0.1ml of test sample.
2. Inoculate 1 agar plate with 100cfu M. pneumoniae.
3. Inoculate 1 agar plate with 100cfu M. orale.
4. Leave 1 agar plate un-inoculated as a negative control.
5. Inoculate 1 broth with 0.2 ml of test sample.
6. Inoculate 1 broth with 100cfu M. pneumoniae.
7. Inoculate 1 broth with 100cfu M. orale.
8. Leave 1 agar plate un-inoculated as a negative control.
9. Incubate agar plates anaerobically for 14 days at 37°C using a gas jar with anaerobic gas
pak and catalyst.
10. Incubate broths aerobically for 14 days at 37°C.
11. Between 3 and 7 days and 10 and 14 days incubation, subculture 0.1 ml of test broth onto
an agar plate and incubate plate anaerobically as above.
12. Observe agar plates after 14 days incubation at x300 magnification using an inverted
microscope for the presence of mycoplasma colonies (see Figure 14).
Criteria for a Valid Result
All positive control agar plates and broths show evidence of mycoplasma by typical colony
formation on agar plates and usually a colour change in broths.
All negative control agar plates and broths show no evidence of mycoplasma.
Criteria for a Positive Result
Test agar plates infected with mycoplasma show typical colony formation.
Criteria for a Negative Result
The test agar plates show no evidence of mycoplasma.
1. Mycoplasma colonies have a typical colony formation commonly described as “fried egg”
(See Figure 8) due to the opaque granular central zone of growth penetrating the agar
surrounded by a flat translucent peripheral zone on the surface. However in many cases
only the control zone will be visible.
2. Positive controls may be included at a concentration to give 100 colony-forming units.
These controls should obviously be handled in a laboratory remote from the main tissue
culture laboratory.
3. Control organisms (M. pneumoniae, and M. orale) are available from National Collection of
Type Cultures (UK).
4. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a potential pathogen and must be handled in a class II
microbiological safety cabinet operating to ACDP Category 2 Conditions.
5. This test procedure should be carried out in a microbiology laboratory away from the cell
culture laboratory.
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